Truly rare products to share with friends and family:
 Simplicity and incredible taste! Today we suggest the perfect italian frisella: fresh, creamy and delicious. Adds to a fresh...
A complete, fresh and easy to prepare dish! To make this wonderful salad we need the following ingredients: pig cheek,...
A quick and easy recipe for a delicious summer appetizer. To prepare our bundles of bresaola and truffle we will...
 Simplicity and incredible taste! Today we suggest the perfect italian frisella: fresh, creamy and delicious. Adds to a fresh...
A complete, fresh and easy to prepare dish! To make this wonderful salad we need the following ingredients: pig cheek,...
A quick and easy recipe for a delicious summer appetizer. To prepare our bundles of bresaola and truffle we will...
 Luca and Filippo, and father Giuseppe was born in 2014 La Bottega del Tartufo, supported by the longtime friend Giuliano Tartufi
Shake up your routine with these quick and easy, outstanding simple tips for people with-literally-no-time.
OUT OF THE ORDINARY combinations to boost the truffle flavor and upgrade your kitchen to the top level!
 Live a unique taste experience, little havens of pleasure to celebrate the beauty of Italian lands. Genuine fragrances and flavors, ancient and modern.
Arezzo, Siena, Bergamo, Como, Genova, Lucca, Perugia, Venezia, Roma, Madrid, Courmayeur, Firenze, San Sebastian, Matera, Lecce, Alghero, Verona, Praga, Toledo, Stoccarda, San Gimignano, Torino, Bolzano, Salò, Assisi, Montepulciano, Taormina, Pisa, Pitigliano, Pompei (Maximall Pompeii)
Award: the best innovative product of the year 2019
Award: product of the year 2019
Innovation Award 2019