Today we are going to prepare a typical dish of French cuisine and enrich it with a touch of truffle that makes it an ideal dish for the winter season: let's see how to make a parmentier with barzotto egg, burrata and truffle. It will be even more delicious.
- enough potatoes
- 2 eggs
- 1 truffle fondue (SHOP HERE)
- enough truffle powder (SHOP HERE)
- enough borrage
- 1 Black Winter Truffle (SHOP HERE)
Boil the diced potatoes in a saucepan. Pour a spoonful of truffle fondue and sprinkle with truffle; add a ladle of the boiled potatoes' water previously boiled. Spend everything with the mini pimer.
Cook an egg for 5 minutes in boiling water: the barzotto egg has the characteristic of having the egg white completely coagulated while the yolk is still liquid. Pass the egg under cold water and peel the egg.
Serve with the base of the parmentier, lay the egg, add the burrata knell as a decoration and finish with a borage leaf and a few strips of fine black truffle or black summer truffle.